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里里外外(追求):霸王调酒机 | Import Export (Want): Champion Shaker

添加利与Jason Crawley合力打造的霸王调酒机登陆亚洲。Tanqueray and Jason Crawley’s Champion Shaker is doing the rounds in Asia.

人们经常说,现代技术让我们的效率更高了。这个说法对拉莫斯金菲兹而言并不适用。为了改进五分多钟的摇酒过程,你必须穿越到19世纪,就像Jason Crawley那样。这位英国出生的调酒师移居澳大利亚后成为了酒吧顾问、烈酒教育家和糖浆制造商,现在又变身机械狂人。2009年,他在新奥尔良发现了一份两百年前的手摇式至尊调酒机设计图。在一帮热心的新西兰工程师的帮助下他造出了这台机器——确切地说是12台,每台高五英尺。其中一个赠给了美国鸡尾酒博物馆,还有四个被添加利买下,通过尼曼百货卖给了富豪们(制造这些调酒机的成本十分高昂——甚至连现成的制造设备都没有)。添加利后来考虑是否可以推出一个更小巧的调酒机,于是Crawley在这个金酒品牌的支持下设计出了一个新版本,取名为霸王调酒机。尽管体积小一点,但是Crawley预计它比至尊调酒机要表现更出色,“摇酒力度翻了五倍”。的确,由于“力度”更大,仅需一分多钟的时间摇壶(外观灵感源自添加利酒瓶)便可以摇出质感无比美妙的拉莫斯。这个设备全球总共才32套,但这并不意味着它们完全遥不可及:其中之一最近亮相香港的Mr & Mrs Fox,新加坡Gibson现在也有一个。要是你等不及它来到你的身边,赶紧去新加坡一睹为快吧。

Modern technology is getting us there faster, we’re often told. Not in the case of the Ramos Gin Fizz. To improve on the five-minute plus shake, you have to go back to the 19th century, as Jason Crawley did. The British-born bartender turned Australia-based bar consultant, spirits educator, syrups entrepreneur and now machinery fetishist first uncovered the 200-year-old designs for the hand-cranked Imperial Shaker in 2009 in New Orleans. With the help of enthusiastic engineers in New Zealand he built the damn thing, 12 of them to be exact, each five-feet tall. One was given to the Museum of the American Cocktail and four were purchased by Tanqueray to sell to millionaires via the Neiman Marcus catalogue (building these is an expensive business – even the machines needed to fabricate the shaker didn’t exist). Tanqueray then discussed the possibility of a more compact unit, so with the gin’s support Crawley was able to engineer a new version, which he dubbed the Champion Shaker. Although smaller, Crawley has calculated the Champion outperforms the Imperial, “increasing the shake violence by five”. And indeed, that extra “violence” results in the most beautifully textured Ramos emerging from the Tanqueray bottle-inspired tins in little more than a minute. There are only 32 of these units in the world but that doesn’t mean they are completely out of reach: one recently popped up at Mr & Mrs Fox in Hong Kong while another can currently be found in Singapore, on the bar at Gibson. If you can’t wait for it to come to you, get over to Singapore and give it a whirl.

Gibson | 新加坡武吉巴梳路20号2楼 | 2/F, Bukit Pasoh Road, Singapore | +65 9114 8385

本文刊登在第44期《饮迷》杂志。This article first appeared in issue 44 of Drink Magazine.


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