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Q等级鉴定所需的杯测技能 Cupping Skills For Q-Grade

Focus of the Unit 单元重点

? To teach thestudent the SCAA Protocol for Cupping Coffee


? To familiarize the student with the SCAA Cupping Form


? Tomeasure the student’s ability to cupand rate coffee flavor attributes in a consistent manner


Key Concepts 主要概念

1. Coffee flavor attributes can be separated into eleven (11) separate components:fragrance/aroma; flavor; aftertaste; acidity; body; uniformity; balance; cleancup; sweetness; defects; and overall impression.


2. Coffee flavor attributes are rated on a ten (10) point scale, with “good” or higher ratings starting out with minimum score of six (6) based on the cupper’s individual preference (judgment).


3. Intensity rankings (low to high) can be recorded on the cupping form for: fragrance/aroma; acidity; and body. Intensity rankings impact the cupper’s rating of the flavor attribute dependingon the cupper’s knowledge and/orexpectations of the origin being cupped.


4. Defects,either aroma taints and/or taste faults, when detected are deducted from thefinal score.


5. Cupping protocol is a standardized procedure that must be rigorously followed forconsistent results, with the most important aspect being the consistent ratio of weight of coffee to volume of water.


6. Coffee beans must be individually weighed out before grinding, as this procedure allows for defective beans to be isolated in a single cup.


7. Sample roasts must be prepared to a standardized roast color in the proper amount oftime, 8 to 12 minutes.


Key Terms 主要术语

Acidity 酸度

Acidity is often described as “brightness” when favorable or “sour” when unfavorable. At its best, acidity contributes to a coffee’s liveliness, sweetness, and fresh-fruit character and is almost immediately experienced and evaluated when the coffee is first slurped into the mouth.


Aftertaste 回甘

Aftertaste isdefined as the length of positive flavor (taste and aroma) qualities emanating from the back of the palate and remaining after the coffee is expectorated or swallowed.


Balance 平衡度

Balance is the cupper’s assessment of how well ALL of the various aspects of Flavor, Aftertaste, Acidity and Body of the coffee sample work together to complement or contrast with each other.


Body 醇厚度

Body is the tactile feeling of the liquid in the mouth, especially perceived between the tongue and roof of the mouth as the result of the formation of brew colloids from the undissolved solids and oils suspended in the liquid.


Clean Cup 干净度

Clean Cup refers to a lack of any interfering or negative taste or odor sensations from the firstsip to the final aftertaste that are usually the result of defective beans, improper storage conditions, or poor processing methods.


Defects 瑕疵

Defects are negativeor poor flavors that detract from the quality of the coffee. These are classified in two (2) ways: Taints and Faults. A taint is an off-flavor that is noticeable but not overwhelming and is usually found in the aromatic aspects ofthe flavor. A fault is an off-flavor that is either overwhelming or renders the sample unpalatable and is usually found in the taste aspects of the flavor.


Flavor 风味

Flavor is a combined impression of all the gustatory (taste bud) sensations and retro nasal aromasthat go from mouth to nose. It represents the coffee’s principle character, the “mid-range” notes recognized in between the first impressions given by the coffee’s aroma and acidity and the final impressions given by the coffee’s aftertaste.


Fragrance/Aroma 干香/湿香

Fragrance/Aroma includes two aromatic aspects of the coffee sample. Fragrance is the smell ofthe freshly ground coffee as it sits in the sample cup when still dry. Aroma is the smell of the coffee when it is infused with hot water and vapors are released as the wet coffee grounds are stirred.


Overall 整体评价

The overall ratingis meant to reflect the holistically integrated rating of the sample as perceived by the individual cupper. This is the point in the assessment process where the cupper makes a personal appraisal.


Sweetness 甜味

Sweetness refers to a pleasing fullness of flavor as well as any obvious sweetness and its perception is the result of the presence of certain carbohydrates. Low-level concentrations of sugars, salts, and acids can create the impression of sweetness in the coffee sample.


Uniformity 均匀度

Uniformity refers to consistency of flavor of the different cups of the sample tasted.Non-uniformity is the result of defective beans isolated in individual cups.


Preparing CuppingSamples 准备杯测样品:

Roasting: 烘焙:

? The sample should be roasted within 24 hours of cupping and allowed to rest for at least 8 hours.


? Roast profile should be a light to light-medium roast (coffee should be ground using SCAA ground parameters), measured via the SCAA Roast tile #65.


? The roast should be completed in no less than 8 minutes and no more than 12 minutes. Scorching or tipping should not be apparent.


? Sample should be immediately air-cooled (no water quenching).


? When they reach room temperature (app. 75o F or 24o C), completedsamples should then bestored in airtight containers or non-permeable bags until cupping to minimize exposure to air and prevent contamination.

一旦它们达到室温(大约为75o F or 24o C),接着应将完成好的样品储存在密闭的容器中或不透气的袋子中,一直到进行杯测为止。这样做是为了将其在空气中的暴露程度降到最低并防止污染。

? Samples should be stored in a cool dark place, but not refrigerated or frozen.


Coffee to WaterRatio:


? The optimum ratiois 8.25 grams per 150 ml of water, as this conforms to the mid-point of theoptimum balance recipes for the Golden Cup.

最佳比例为每150ml 水对8.25克咖啡。因为这符合金杯要求的最佳平衡食谱的中点。

? Determine thevolume of water in the selected cupping glass and adjust weight of coffee to this ratio within +/- .25 grams.

确定所选杯测杯中的水量,并在+/- .25克范围内调整咖啡的重量以达到这一比例。

Cupping Preparation:


? Sample should be ground immediately prior to cupping, no more than 15 minutes before infusion with water. If this is not possible, samples should be covered and infused not more than 30 minutes after grinding.


? Samples should be weighed out AS WHOLE BEANS to the predetermined ratio (see above forratio) for the appropriate cup fluid volume.


? Grind particlesize should be slightly coarser than typically used for paper filter drip brewing,with 70% to 75% of the particles passing through a U.S. Standard size 20mesh sieve. At least 5 cups from each sample should be prepared to evaluate sample uniformity.




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