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亨利爵士黄瓜节 | Hendrick's Cucumber Growing Fest

[本文由亨利爵士特约赞助 | This content is sponsored by Hendrick's]


At Hendrick’s we use only the freshest cucumbers for our gin. But in the rest of the UK, the home of Hendrick’s, cucumbers sold as “fresh” in the supermarket could be up to two weeks old. It might be quicker in China but we still don’t think anything less than just picked is fresh enough to make the best cucumber cocktails with our gin. That’s why we want to help you grow your own cucumbers during Cucumber Fest 2016.


We’re inviting the bartending community in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan to grow together while growing their own cucumbers in a healthy competition. And, just like growing cucumbers, taking part is nice and simple. There’s great prizes for the winners, including health check-ups because at Hendrick’s we believe that bartenders health is important. Everyone who grows their own cucumbers will be getting a great source of vitamins K and C plus potassium, magnesium and silica – to keep your nails looking nice.


本期《饮迷》会附送一包黄瓜种子。扫描二维码,关注亨利爵士金酒微信公众号,然后每周发布黄瓜的生长态势(截至6月27日)。用自己种的黄瓜制作两款亨利爵士鸡尾酒,并通过微信把鸡尾酒照片发送给我们。我们会选中5名调酒师参加在上海举办的总决赛,届时安立国、Rick Starr和孙权将坐镇评委席。最终胜出者将捧得大奖归,包括香港之行、免费体检和连续12周的免费黄瓜供应。


How to take part:

Get the seed pack with this issue of DRiNK. Follow the Hendrick’s Gin WeChat with the QR code and then post weekly updates of how your cucumbers are coming along (until June 27). Then make two Hendrick’s cocktails with your cucumbers and share the photos with us on WeChat. We’ll then pick five bartenders to take part in the finals in Shanghai, where they will be judged by Erik Andersson, Rick Starr and Sun Quan. The winning bartenders will take home prizes including a trip to Hong Kong, health check-ups and 12 weeks of cucumbers for your bar.

Good luck. May you and your cucumbers be healthy.  


? 黄瓜喜水,但是发芽(大约需要一周时间)之前不要浇太多水。如果你在户外种植并且最初几周有下雨,最好把根部周围的潮湿土壤挖掉,让黄瓜苗透透气,长壮后再把土填上。

? 黄瓜结果之后,假如你要外出一两天,最好请朋友或邻居到你家查看一下,确保土壤水分充足。

? 大胆地为黄瓜施肥——瓜条长出来之后每10-14天施一次肥,可以促进生长。

? 一旦黄瓜花结出了很多幼瓜,要把黄瓜秧的须掐掉,这样幼瓜就有更多的养分供应,不会再开很多花浪费养分。

? 搭个黄瓜架,有了支撑会长得更加茂盛。

? 你的黄瓜只需要温度、水分和一点爱。看上去可以吃了就大功告成了。恭喜你修炼成了一个黄瓜种植达人!

Growing cucumbers is not complicated but here are Hendrick’s Gin’s tip-top tips for a thriving harvest:

? Cucumbers love water but until they sprout (which should take around a week), don’t water them too heavily. If you’re growing yours outdoors and it rains during the first couple of weeks then it’s good to keep the soil away from the stem to avoid it resting against the plant until there is strong growth

? Once the fruit is growing, if you’re going to go be away from your cucumbers for a day or two, then you’ll want to ask a friend or neighbour to pop in and take care of keeping them well watered.

? Don’t be afraid to feed your cucumbers – plant feed every 10-14 days when the fruit is developed will aid their growth.

? Once the flowers form with plenty of baby cucumbers, pinch out the tip of the plant so the plant’s energy goes to the fruit development, not more flower growth.

? A garden stake will provide enough support for them to thrive.

? Your cucumbers just need warmth, water and a little love. As soon as they look ready to eat then they are done. Congratulations, you’re a champion cucumber farmer.




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